Adbrite provide a range of advertising options for the website publisher.

They have banner ads, text ads and full page ads.

The full page ads are high paying but can only be shown once per day per user.

They take up a third of the page view of your site and are popularly used on landing pages.

Adbrite also provide your visitors with an easy way of advertising on your site.

They simply click a link on the Adbrite advertisement and they can buy ad space on your site through Adbrite.

People have noted that websites related to popular subjects and educational subjects perform best with Adbrite.

Click through rates with Adbrite are generally much lower than with Adsense.

This means that Adbrite, whilst a viable option, should not be your first option if you are able to use Adsense.

If your Adsense account ahs been suspended and you are not able to use YPN, Adbrite is a good option.

Larger sites tend to work better with Adbrite than smaller sites.

This may be because your visitors, or potential advertisers, are requesting to have ads shown on your site as they know your visitors would be interested.

This in turn leads to more clicks by your visitor and more money for you.

Adbrite provide good reporting tools and a decent inventory.

Adbrite is a good Adsense alternative, but there are many better ones available.